
Life is busy. Like, insanely busy. As a mom of twin (almost) 4 year olds, I am constantly on the go. From taking care of the kids, the house, and work, it feels like 24 hours is NOT ENOUGH TIME! How can we squeeze taking care of OURSELVES into this insanity??! But we all have the same 24 hours in a day. It's all about how you use them!

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I know personally taking care of myself was secondary for a long time. Long before I had children, taking care of myself took a backseat to my social life and my work life. After kids, I totally lost sight of myself and fell apart. I just didn't have TIME!

Last year I made the commitment to make time for me, and take care of myself, and I'm happy to say that I've been able to stick with it. I'm down almost 30 lbs today, and still going.  Taking some time for myself each day has made me a better wife, mom, and person overall!

How do I do it every day? Here are my top 5 tips for squeezing your own health and SANITY into each very busy and already very packed day.

Meal Planning

I take 45 minutes every Wednesday night while my hubby and I are watching a show to meal plan for the following week. I sit down with the next week's schedule, a blank meal planning template, Pinterest open, a list of my family's favorite meals, and my grocery list. Then I get to work.

First, I plan out all of my own breakfasts, then I look to the dinners. I try to alternate meat/meatless dishes each night, and I always throw in one or two family favorites, like homemade pizzas or turkey taco salads. I also plan for busy nights when I know we will be home late by planning a crock pot or instant pot meal. Then I go back and fill in my snacks and lunches.

After I get everything planned out, I shop online. I buy many of my organics from Amazon Fresh.  I set the delivery to come on Saturday morning before 6 a.m., that way I can unpack groceries as I drink my coffee in the morning. Whatever I don't get from them, I find at the farm on Saturday mornings.

Here is a link to my full meal planning arsenal. Feel free to use any/all of the resources on this page, and contact me if you have any questions!

Drink Water

Drinking water has so many health benefits that you are probably missing out on if you are not drinking enough of it! From clearer skin, to increased energy levels, to curbing cravings, water can really be your missing link.

Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces each day. I aim for 100 ounces a day (I miss the mark some days, but aiming for that always ensures that I get the minimum!). Get yourself a giant water jug if you're in the office. I like this one from Under Armor because it holds 64 ounces of water AND keeps it cold.

Quit the Gym

I am NOT a gym person. I hate the smells. I hate the sounds. I have no idea what I'm doing without a trainer (and ain't NOBODY got time or MONEY for DAT!). I hate feeling like I'm imposing on other people to watch my kids while I workout.  I hate being forced to look at naked ladies in the locker room (if you're a naked lady in the locker room, power to you, I just don't really appreciate coming around the corner of the lockers to be confronted by a full frontal of a stranger). I hate having to leave my house at 5 a.m. and go out into the freezing cold weather during the winter.  All of that is enough for me to NOT GO. And when I don't go, I'm losing money. And I hate losing money more than I hate any of those other things.

Beachbody on Demand is my GO TO these days. It has a ton of different programs from the top trainers in the industry, all at your fingertips. I sleep in my workout clothes, roll out of bed, stumble downstairs, and get to work before my kids get up. The greatest part is how flexible it is. I can workout before the kids get up during the week, and during naps or after bed on the weekends. And now that the warm weather is upon us, y'all KNOW I'll be taking the workout train outside! Woop!

Currently I'm working on 21 Day Fix Extreme. It's an advanced program, which I have gradually worked my way up to over the last year. It's a 30 minute a day, 21 day long program that incorporates light weights and cardio designed to get you slim and shredded. It works together with portion control containers, meal planning, a daily dose of dense nutrition that I KNOW I wouldn't get otherwise, and an accountability and support group that motivates me and kicks my butt to get it done. Without someone there telling me to get up and do it, I don't know that I would get to a gym, these days!


I am the QUEEN of multi-tasking. Instead of just sitting and watching TV, pick up a set of weights and workout those guns. If you have to take your kids to a soccer or softball practice, get up and walk around the outside of the field or track. There are a ton of ways that you can get some physical activity in with almost anything you are doing throughout your day!

Get Your Friends Involved

Everything is better with friends. From a glass of wine to a boot camp workout, when your friends back you up and cheer you on, you can move mountains.

Let your friends know that you are on a health and wellness journey, and see if they want to join you! Instead of meeting for dinner, meet at a park and go for a walk. Take the kids with you and loop the playground while they get in some socialization and fresh air.

I don't know what I would do without my friends. The majority of them have joined me in my health and fitness goals, and I am so blessed to be able to chat with them and decide on healthy snacks with them when we get together. And the ones who haven't joined me (yet!) cheer me on every day. They are liking my Facebook statuses and commenting and sending me text messages encouraging me to push forward. I am so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing network around me!

No matter what, make sure that you are making healthy decisions with what you put into your mouth every time you open it. You can't outrun your fork, so no matter what you are doing in terms of activities, it's all for nothing if you can't control your cravings. Mind over matter. You have to DECIDE and BE AWARE of what you are doing!  This is a lifestyle change for you and everyone around you, so be kind to yourself and understand that you are not ALWAYS going to be able to be perfect. But you can at least take one small step in the right direction TODAY!

I hope that these tips help you get started living a healthier lifestyle, for both you AND your family. As always, if you still have questions or need a little bit of extra support, please reach out and let me know! I am happy to help!

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Foodie and the Beasts by Jessica Groff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.