
This one really threw me for a loop.

Last Monday, I sat down on the couch after a day of trying to get my house back in order after the holidays and prepping for the first work week back, and I felt like I was hit by a bus. I looked at Hershey and said, "Ugh, I don't feel good!"

It started with body aches. Then it moved to a sore throat. By Tuesday morning I was dizzy and felt nauseous.

I sucked it up and went to work.

Period 6 I called my husband and said, "I'm not going to make it."

I left at 12:20 and never went back.  For days. This was by far the most sick I've been in as long as I can remember.  I couldn't move. My hair and the bottoms of my feet hurt. 100 degree fever. Hershey rushed me to Urgent Care first thing Wednesday morning, and their response?

"It's viral, but I'll give you an antibiotic because it sounds like you have an upper respiratory infection."

I fully blame this on what I did to myself over the holidays.

We ate out almost every night. Wine. Chocolate. I worked out MAYBE once? Shakeology MAYBE every other day? I know one thing is for sure from here on in.

I cannot be trusted on vacation.

You see, when you are eating healthy, and drinking your super foods every day, and working out, your body gets strong. It gets HEALTHY. The systems are working, everything is flowing smoothly, you feel energized from the food that you are fueling your body with. And your body is a house for your brain. So when your body is fueled with good stuff and feeling energized, your brain follows suit.

For me, the moment I fall off of that wagon, I feel the effects. I get sluggish. I get snippy. I can't think straight. I get LAZY. I mean, it's instantaneous.

When you start to go back to eating the junk that you weren't eating before, it takes your body a while to process it. Sugar and fats are like sludge in your system. Your body has to work extra hard, use up whatever extra energy you have to process what you are trying to pump through it. The salt and sugar and fat flood your blood cells, which flood your brain. Your body goes into a total system meltdown.

Three days.  That's how long I was out of work for. I don't think I have ever been out 3 days in a row even when I was pregnant with twins.

I then took Saturday to rest, as well, and hopped back in the saddle on Sunday.

And I'm still not better. Not 100%.

My ears feel clogged. My head pounds EVERY MORNING when I wake up. My eyes are burning.

But I'm trudging through. Getting up at 5 a.m. and working out every morning. Drinking my shakes and eating healthy meals. Drinking 85 ounces of water a day.

The only slip I've had was when one of my favorite students threw a BAG of donuts at me for my birthday and I ate half of one (I shared the rest), but I felt like a blob afterwards. I'm not kidding. It's that fast.

My energy is slowly returning and my mind is clearing. I'm more productive and more positive. It feels GOOD.  I won't go back. I won't go back. I won't go back...

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Creative Commons License
Foodie and the Beasts by Jessica Groff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.